Our publications explore the boundary between the virtual nature of digital information and the viscerality of text.-A Fence imprint-

Our publications explore the boundary between the virtual nature of digital information and the viscerality of text.-A Fence imprint-


Ray McDaniel Reviews Trouble in Mind by Lucie Brock-Broido

I offer this distinction between talent well-spent and talent on a spending spree of its own to clarify my mightily mixed feelings about Lucie Brock-Broido’s Trouble in Mind, which poses a number of…

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James Butler-Gruett Reviews Margaret Ross’s Saturday

What the poems in Margaret Ross’s new collection, Saturday, do best is churn.

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A pixelized photo of a balloon in an empty room

Imaginary Liminality Steps From The Train: How To Dreamwalk the World of Craigslist Apartments

In an ever changing and increasingly depressing internet landscape we, the collective users, have learned to restrain our expectations...And yet, within this vast ever darkening digital ocean one human island remains: Craigslist.

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Automata Paint Bucket Abject 9

Hysterically Real’s De-automata, or Picture Books

There’s a poetics of deflation at play: deflating expectations, deflating ego. I enter, say, Abject-Oriented Anthology with my smart theory boy hat on and realize it’s a flip-book.

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Black and White Image of And the Next Thing You Know

And The Next Thing You Know

The digital poem “plays with a sentence spoken by the comedian and actor Gabriel Iglesias on the documentary series Inside Jokes — ‘And the next thing you know, there’s Mexicans in Canada.’”

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Cort Day and Jane Mead: Nomad(s) of Lyric in The Forest Logic

in violet dusk and the eclipse child’s singing. . .

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A Memoir of Editing Diane di Prima’s Revolutionary Letters

we are in the middle of a bloody, heartrending revolution / not western civilization, but civilization itself / i have just realized that the stakes are myself

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